When you have a plan to protect your valuable business systems and data, you have a plan for the future of your company. Is your business is still doing in-house backup with tapes, hard drive swaps, or in the cloud? There are better and more cost effective solutions available from RMS Technologies!
RMS Technologies has defined three essential components to your business continuity:
Backup of your data and files
The top of the to-do list. If your server crashes or if you have lost important files or emails crucial to your business, you need the ability to get them back. Most backup solutions run once a day. RMS Technologies‘s BDR runs a backup every hour.
Why is that important to you? Rather than always risking up to 2 days worth of productivity, your company will have less than an hour of exposure in each occurrence of undesired events!
Disaster Recovery
In the unfortunate case of a fire, tornado, electric surge, or flood, your business needs to have a plan in place to protect your customer contact info, past work, accounting information and emails.
It’s important to store your backups offsite. In the case of a natural or human-made disaster, you have a foundation to build on. Your data is sent to our offsite data center with military-grade encryption; Unlike most cloud options you are still in control of it, and have easy access at all times.
Business Continuity
In the event of a server crash or other hardware failures, in most cases businesses will delve into chaos – losing sight of making the best possible business decisions, and do whatever they have to in order to get up and running again.
Whether your business is in need of managed disaster recovery services, business continuity solutions, online file storage, secure offsite data backup service, hard drive & file recovery, secure online server, onsite/offsite data backup, or computer recovery, you can count on us.
If you aren’t ready for what the future might have in store, your business is at serious risk. It’s undeniable: a business continuity plan is reasonable, sensible, and imperative.